Process Solutions:
Case and time savings are not just positive outcomes, but can also trigger large change programmes in an organisation. In Engage Process you can add details such as processing time, wait times and costs to compare processes and easily evaluate the impact of changes to all process steps, allowing you to achieve real cost savings.
Discover how Sedgemoor District Council saved more than £100.000 in the first year after a digital transformation project.
Service Redesign starts by discussing and mapping out your service from beginning to end. How do we work today and how do we want to work tomorrow?
Implementing 'Self Service' or automating an activity are examples of service redesign, and can have a major impact on your business. Reducing costs, reducing non-value added time, and improving overall productivity are just some of the benefits. In turn, this creates more time to focus on serving customer needs and reducing time managing process 'exceptions' or data entry.
Wrexham Borough Council shared the story of their Service Redesign journey and outcomes in the case study below.
For any transformation project it is essential to thoroughly understand your processes and the relevant exceptions that take place. What will the impact of the change be, where do we improve the process prior to using robotics and how do we get our employees involved? Getting in control of your processes helps to set the foundation for effective change.
Visit our blog to learn more.

The ongoing exploration and improvement of processes is made easy with Engage Process. The platform supports interactive workshops, both in-person and remotely, and is designed to enable people-driven change. With the analysis and calculation features, the quality, effectiveness, lead time and costs of the current (AS IS) situation can be compared with that of the improved (TO BE) situation. Involvement and continuous improvement go hand in hand.
In this whitepaper we give 7 key steps for a successful process workshop.
Using Robotic Process Automation can reduce costs and workload, increase productivity and allow more time to do other activities. No matter the goal of RPA, it starts with your processes. Knowing where to start implementing new technologies is often the hardest part, so identifying key physical touchpoints is crucial to find out where RPA can add value.
Visit our blog to learn more.

With Engage Process, the central process platform allows you to stay in control, even during times of change. Easily explore and manage your business processes, providing an intuitive interface for all staff to understand. Many details such as descriptions, data categories, documents and hyperlinks to other systems can be added in the process steps. In addition, relevant exceptions can be identified, a requirement for any compliance situation. With all reporting being automatically updated, people-driven change becomes the standard.
Visit our blog to learn more.

Cost & Time Savings
Case and time savings are not just positive outcomes, but can also trigger large change programmes in an organisation. In Engage Process you can add details such as processing time, wait times and costs to compare processes and easily evaluate the impact of changes to all process steps, allowing you to achieve real cost savings.
Discover how Sedgemoor District Council saved more than £100.000 in the first year after a digital transformation project.
Service Redesign
Service Redesign starts by discussing and mapping out your service from beginning to end. How do we work today and how do we want to work tomorrow?
Implementing 'Self Service' or automating an activity are examples of service redesign, and can have a major impact on your business. Reducing costs, reducing non-value added time, and improving overall productivity are just some of the benefits. In turn, this creates more time to focus on serving customer needs and reducing time managing process 'exceptions' or data entry.
Wrexham Borough Council shared the story of their Service Redesign journey and outcomes in the case study below.

Digital Transformation
For any transformation project it is essential to thoroughly understand your processes and the relevant exceptions that take place. What will the impact of the change be, where do we improve the process prior to using robotics and how do we get our employees involved? Getting in control of your processes helps to set the foundation for effective change.
Visit our blog to learn more.

Process Improvement
The ongoing exploration and improvement of processes is made easy with Engage Process. The platform supports interactive workshops, both in-person and remotely, and is designed to enable people-driven change. With the analysis and calculation features, the quality, effectiveness, lead time and costs of the current (AS IS) situation can be compared with that of the improved (TO BE) situation. Involvement and continuous improvement go hand in hand.
In this whitepaper we give 7 key steps for a successful process workshop.

Using Robotic Process Automation can reduce costs and workload, increase productivity and allow more time to do other activities. No matter the goal of RPA, it starts with your processes. Knowing where to start implementing new technologies is often the hardest part, so identifying key physical touchpoints is crucial to find out where RPA can add value.
Visit our blog to learn more.

Risk Management
With Engage Process, the central process platform allows you to stay in control, even during times of change. Easily explore and manage your business processes, providing an intuitive interface for all staff to understand. Many details such as descriptions, data categories, documents and hyperlinks to other systems can be added in the process steps. In addition, relevant exceptions can be identified, a requirement for any compliance situation. With all reporting being automatically updated, people-driven change becomes the standard.
Visit our blog to learn more.